
In the vaporizers, the LNG is returned to its original gaseous state for injection into the pipeline distribution network.


The Terminal has four vaporizers, each with a regasification capacity of approximately 5 million cubic meters per day. Three are Open Rack Vaporizers (ORV) and are used for normal operation. In them, the LNG circulates through heat exchangers, which are bathed on the outside by seawater at ambient temperature. Since the LNG is at -160° Celsius, this provides the necessary heat to transform it back into natural gas.

The Submerged Combustion Vaporizer (SCV) operates as backup for the system (for example, during scheduled maintenance or in the event of a failure of the Open Rack Vaporizers). In this case, the LNG circulates through heat exchangers that are submerged in a pond of demineralized water, which is heated by natural gas combustion.

The temperature difference vaporizes the LNG and converts it back into natural gas, ready to be injected into the pipeline network.