As has become the tradition over the past six years, GNL Quintero and the municipal district’s Fire Service recently renewed an agreement that implies commitments on both sides.
Under the agreement, GNL Quintero will make an annual contribution of 5 million pesos to the Fire Service. In addition, it will invite members of the Fire Service to the Terminal to inform them about the operation’s characteristics, its fire protection system and different matters related to safety. It will also provide places on a course, taught at the Santiago Fire Service’s facilities in the city’s Colina district, on the prevention and fighting of fires involving LNG.
For its part, the Fire Service has undertaken to conduct training sessions in Quintero schools on topics such as first aid and leadership for emergency evacuation. It will also collaborate with GNL Quintero in emergency drills at the Company’s facilities, inspect the Terminal’s physical fire protection and evacuation system and provide training for the Company’s own Fire Brigade.
GNL Quintero’s Sustainability Manager, Alfonso Salinas, indicated that “the work we have undertaken with the Fire Service has been very beneficial for us because we not only help each other to advance on safety issues, but also extend this to the residents of Quintero so that we can build a culture of safety together.”
The agreement forms part of the Company’s permanent work with the Fire Service under its commitment to safety at all levels. In previous years, this collaboration has been reflected in the donation of specialized vehicles, financial contributions and equipment, benefiting the Fire Service’s capacity to address emergencies in the municipal district.