GNL Quintero contributes to the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through corporate policies and initiatives that involve all its different areas.
The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) were adopted by all the UN member states in 2015 as a universal call to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure that all people enjoy peace and prosperity by 2030.
The 17 SDGs are interconnected because they recognize that interventions in one area will affect outcomes in others and that development must strike a balance between environmental, economic and social sustainability.
Through its commitment to health and safety at all levels, high standards and the constant training it provides in this field, GNL Quintero contributes to the goal of strengthening countries’ capacity to manage and reduce risks.
GNL Quintero uses seawater only for heat exchange. It is returned to the ocean and its quality is permanently monitored.
In addition, the Company reuses gray water (from domestic use) to irrigate the species envisaged in its Ecological Restoration Program, thereby contributing to the efficient use of water resources.
The Company has an Energy Management System, based on the ISO 50001 standard, and an Energy Efficiency Plan.
Key actions in this area include the sustainable construction of the Canteen Building and Visitors’ Center, which have LEED gold certification and, through 132 photovoltaic panels, use renewable energy.
GNL Quintero has worked with the fishermen of the Quintero Bay, seeking to expand their economic options. It also has an Apprentices Program through which it provides training and job opportunities for young people from Quintero and Puchuncaví.
In this way, it contributes to economic diversification and fosters decent work and the growth of micro-enterprises as well as efficiency in production and consumption.
In addition, the Company’s commitment to safety and its high standards contribute to the promotion of a safe work environment.
GNL Quintero’s work to incorporate sustainability as a transversal pillar of how it manages the business contributes to the modernization of infrastructure. In addition, its Apprentices Program helps to increase employment in the industry in line with the situation in the country.
The Company has also contributed to the development of new technologies, research and innovation for the Quintero fishermen by implementing economic diversification projects such as studies on management areas and aquaculture.
The Quintero Vive (Quintero Lives) platform is an initiative, initially led by GNL Quintero, that promotes inclusive and sustainable urbanization and access to public spaces.
In a bid to contribute to the reduction of greenhouse gases, GNL Quintero has incorporated specific carbon footprint reduction goals into its strategic planning.
In addition, as part of its Energy Efficiency Plan, it seeks to highlight climate change issues internally, raising awareness among its employees and contractors.
GNL Quintero uses seawater only for heat exchange. It is returned to the ocean and its quality is permanently monitored.
The Company has also undertaken long-term work with the fishing communities along the Quintero Bay, supporting them in accessing marine resources for the development of new forms of aquaculture.
Through initiatives such as its Ecological Restoration Program and the reuse of waste, GNL Quintero makes a sustained contribution to the conservation of terrestrial ecosystems and the recovery of the landscape environment.
GNL Quintero contributes to this objective through its consolidation of a Compliance and Anti-Bribery Management System.
In addition, it provides all its employees with training of different types on ethics and anti-corruption.