At GNL Quintero, we are constantly seeking the best people to form part of our team. Our aim is to attract, develop and retain people with values, talents, skills and knowledge that can make a real contribution to the organization and the achievement of its objectives.

We seek to develop the professional and human potential of each of our employees under the concept of continuous improvement and to provide them with a safe, cordial and challenging work environment.

Vacancies, whether permanent or temporary, are filled through processes that guarantee the selection of the most suitable people, either through internal promotion or from the external market.

The Company hires only candidates with the technical requirements, knowledge and/or formal education required for the position.

Candidates must have interpersonal and teamwork skills to permit their effective integration into the Company’s culture and style of management, which are based on a strong sense of ethics and responsibility, a vocation for excellence and continuous improvement and respect for others.

How to apply
Complete the information required in each box. When a vacancy occurs for which you meet the requirements, your information will be incorporated into the recruitment and selection process.