Twenty-two projects in fields such as the environment, safety, sports and culture were awarded grants for a total of 44 million pesos from the Quintero Community Fund in a ceremony held in the town’s Coloane Hall.
The initiatives include the implementation of a new waiting room at the Ventanas Family Health Center (CESFAM);.
As in previous awards of grants, the initiatives included not only projects presented by community organizations, but also Support for Talent grants for residents of Quintero who have excelled in different fields.
The triathlete Sandra Palma obtained a grant for the acquisition of a high-end bicycle for her competitions while the bodyboarder Renato Arellano received financing for travel to different competitions and the regional cueca dance champion Ruth Molina received support for the acquisition of costumes for different competitions.
With these awards, the Quintero Community Fund has already supported 462 projects presented by the community, investing more than 540 million pesos to contribute to the municipal district’s social development.
GNL Quintero’s Sustainability Manager, Alfonso Salinas, stressed that “we are very happy to be able to contribute to the materialization of ideas and projects that arise from community organizations themselves and to support residents of the district who stand out in different disciplines and fill Quintero with pride. There is a lot of talent in the district and, as companies, we want to contribute to its maximum development.”
Antonella Pellegrini, ENEL Chile’s Sustainability Manager, indicated that “this initiative, which is part of our community relations plans, shows that, through collaboration between the community and the company, we can obtain great benefits for the territories’ development, installing capabilities and permitting the implementation of projects that improve the quality of life, thanks to a virtuous alliance for the creation of shared value.”
The beneficiaries received guidance from both companies throughout the application process, helping them to develop their idea, improve the design and establish compliance indicators.
Details of the initiatives benefited in the second half of 2019 are as follows::
IMPACT GRANTS (up to 6 million pesos)
Las Ventanas Health Council for the implementation of a new waiting room at the Ventanas Family Health Center (CESFAM)
Colegio Inglés, Quintero, for the removal and replacement of roofing with asbestos in the area of the school’s dining hall
Quintero Fire Service for the acquisition of self-contained breathing apparatus and a thermal camera to improve response to emergencies in the municipal district.
DEVELOPMENT GRANTS (up to 3 million pesos)
Quintero Zumba Group for its project of itinerant Zumba classes on Quintero beaches from Friday to Sunday in January and February 2020
Junior Football Sports Group for financing for the third version of the We Are All Champions junior football meeting
Alianza Sports Club for a project to improve training and competition equipment, supporting work with the divisions of this amateur football club in the municipal district
Quintero Capoeira Group for the acquisition of implements to improve conditions for the practice of capoeira by the children, young people and adults who make up the organization
Quintero Náuticos Cetáceos Sports Club for the implementation of a complete program of maritime activities and education, with theoretical-practical courses open to the community
Tradiciones Folklore Group for the acquisition of musical instruments such as a keyboard, electro-acoustic guitar, bass and cymbals
Danza Nuestra Folklore Group to help finance the 11th version of the Quintero Une Fronteras International Folklore Festival to be held in March and April 2020
Félix Sanfuentes Neighborhood Association for the construction and installation of garbage containers for community use at various points in the area served by the Association
Nueva Serena Neighborhood Association for the acquisition and installation of a 20-foot container to serve as a warehouse
Puchuncaví Fire Service for the acquisition of a rescue stretcher, rescue platform and cordless saber saw kit to complete the equipment of its vehicle rescue unit
Municipal Union of Neighborhood Associations for a project to finance the design and printing of maps of the Quintero municipal district showing different public services, such as fire companies, health centers, police stations and neighborhood associations, with their respective geographical location.
SPONSORSHIP GRANTS (up to 500,000 pesos)
Claro de Luna Seniors Center for equipment to improve its kitchen
Roberto Parrague Neighborhood Association for the renovation and acquisition of kitchen implements and utensils for its center
Nueva Primavera Seniors Center for the acquisition of wool and cotton for use by its members for handicrafts.
Sandra Palma (triathlete) for the acquisition of a high-end competition bicycle to support the participation of this outstanding triathlete in different regional and national events
Renato Arellano (bodyboarder) to finance his travel to various municipal, regional, national and international bodyboard competitions
Ruth Molina (regional cueca dance champion) to support the acquisition of costumes to allow her to continue participating in municipal, regional and national championships
Gerardo Bernal (member of Chile’s senior padel team) to help finance his participation in an international event
Don Orione School to co-finance the participation of a delegation of students and teachers in an international robotics championship to be held in China.
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